The company, specialized since 1993

A reference company

COTRAM specializes in sanitation, particularly in the treatment of domestic or industrial wastewater. COTRAM Assainissement works for individuals as well as for companies, communities and urbanization professionals, architects, engineering firms, developers…


Reliable professionalism

COTRAM takes care of the entire installation project of sanitation systems: complete evaluation, review of plans and permits, studies… All installed devices are submitted to and accepted by the SPANC (public service of non-collective sanitation).


Research serving treatment

COTRAM Assainissement participates in research on filtering media and the development of new technologies, while providing precise solutions for the preservation of natural environments. Progress in environmental and sustainable techniques allows for the development of more efficient systems.


Caïali the Group

COTRAM Assainissement is a subsidiary of Caïali, a Martinican Group composed of several companies operating in the industrial and construction sectors. Caïali is particularly oriented towards environmental preservation and sustainable development.

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